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This web site is a VISUAL thesis of more than 100,000 hours of research.

It reflects a personal transition from broken sensory information to unified, thanks to the teaching of the sensory information of Bach, Beethoven, Vivaldi, etc.

One of the theories of this thesis: A parallel environment reflects audio-visual sensory information that can be almost instantly recognized by the thought process. This makes one conscious of a portal to Infinite Harmony, where resides the solutions to any problem whatever it is.

Let us hope that you can use this information as an important tool towards opening the door of the Aquarius era - the WEs - as predicted by Bach, Beethoven, Escher, La Tour, Tolstoy, etc.

It is composed of four sections:

1) DISCOVERIES & inventions

In French and in English (key files and introduction for the others)



In French and in English (key files and introduction for the others)  




In English and in French

SOLOs (4

In French and in English, the introduction



It is recommended to make a color adjustment of your monitor no matter how minimal, before continuing. Internet Explorer is the most suitable browser for this site. The text is best at medium size, and with a screen of 900 pixels minimum, in width. The majority of the PDFs are accompanied by a RTF that can be opened with WordPad or others {T = ready to translate and or print (Fr = French / En = English / 2 = number of pages)}. You can find some software programs on the internet that will translate files for free or for a period of thirty days.

The blue / blue purple letters are links within the same page or to another within the same window. 1, 2, 3, 4 (Discoveries, Connecting Images, VitockeyEn, SolosEn) are links for the English version, and the letters at the bottom of the page for the French version. The other pages remain in the same language.

The ellipses HTMLs (blue / blue purple) link to another page within the same window. All other ellipses (Flash, PDFs, PowerPoints...), the T (rtf) and the zip open in a new window. The PDFs opens with Acrobat 7.0 or higher.

The majority of the images on this web site combine the Curve / Blends / Ř / Parallel-Expansionist color © / Light / Transition between the forms in order to reproduce visual connecting 2 D or 3 D images which maximize cerebral energy. Once surrounded by this unified sensory information, the thought process can concentrate on improving.

These images are part of this site because they support the game Vitockey, conceived according to the same universal principles.

Unless otherwise specified, all the images on this site were created by me and the signatures in the originals are mainly hidden. Many of the images created for this site, are signed with the name inside a sphere. This signature originated from connecting image 2. English is my second language.

NOTICE: Except for a large number of downloads from the web site www.vitockey. com, the great majority of my research has never been seen in public. After having tried to communicate with the experts in image making for more than 30 years (1972-2000s) in North/South America and Europe, through exhibits or meetings, I decided to completely withdraw myself from that world of competition and concentrate my energy hoping, to find out why it is nearly impossible to work together.

Thanks to this decision, solitude brought the following discovery: The repetition of physical exercises surrounded by connecting elements - unified sensory information or TRANSITION - facilitates objective or expansionist thinking. Unfortunately the majority of the decisions are taken by people who have been and are almost constantly surrounded by broken sensory information.

All the efforts put into the following activities were not in vain, however the following theory was discovered: Elements that are covered with pure color / without nuance / flat / opaque, ASSAULT the human brain when normally lit (1000-1600 hrs approximately) and even more when indoor, because of the limited space. For more information, Please view the images using blends, moderately lit in the PDF "Exhibitions".

The simplicity of the discoveries in this web site might appear difficult to comprehend, because they are mainly absent in the present man made world. The passage from some of the small images to the others inside the different files is not as fluid or complementary as the natural elements described in TRANSITION or the connecting images 2-10, 12-40 and 48-60 (handmade images). This will result in some minimal cerebral energy loss, minimal because the images are small and STATIC.

The size of the majority of the elements which use the golden rule in this site, are presently organized according to the common denominator Ř. Whoever would like to put this into practice - virtually or other - the sequence of Fibonacci

(1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89…), would be more communicative visually speaking, November 2021.


Before visiting this site, it is recommended to view the files in the following list (Pre-requisite).

For those who have already visited this site, the most recent files are catalogued in this FILE.


In the meantime, feel free to verify the theories. Thank you for your consideration.

Wishing you unified sensory information,


resume: (pdf)

[welcome] [intro-En]    [discoveries] [connecting images] [VitockeyEn] [SOLOsEn]