
List of the newest files, list 2023  -  before 2023

For those who visit this site for the first time: You should be aware that the files in each section are meant to be viewed in progression, as each file is a pre-requisite to the following ones. The continuity between the files is designed for a better understanding of these discoveries.

The content of the discovery TRANSITION can be classified as a visual thesis that supports a predetermined creation of the universe.

The images above: Row1 and 2,January 2023

TENNIS in 2023 / Precision and ENHANCEMENT the human mind, 1976-  The following is an analysis of a personal experience which triggered the following theory: When a human brain is surrounded by a high level of unified sensory information, like the combination of 100% natural elements and unified music, it enhances its level of conscience. In this case reproducing a linear drawing on snow; an oval aiming to be an ellipse while listening to Beethoven’s ninth symphony or the last quartets of Beethoven, or the mass in bi minor BWV 272 or the concertos for four pianos of Bach… as the only guide. Pre requisite: Unified music. Update: HTMLs; index, discoveries and inventions, introductory files, Vitockey and the world of sports.

The images above: Row 3, July 2023

Natural connecting image 62, update 1: An exceptional example of the transition from a dead tree (synonymous to human thought collecting) to life (a new tree synonymous to EXPLORATION). This new tree coincides with the era of Aquarius. Pdf, format 6480x30000 pixels (44.9mb). Pre-requisite: Unified music. Update: HTMLs; Intro, welcome, and natural connecting image 62.

The images above: Row 4, October 2023

Unified sensory information aims at creating parallel environments that can be almost instantly recognized by the thought process, making one conscious of a portal to discovery (questions and answers). Update: Resume and the list of connecting images.

The images above: Row 5, the last one, January 2024

Connecting image 58+71-77 & 78, Connecting image 78 is the continuity of 77. The images of this presentation were created from geometric forms – light – blends - textures. They are virtual (VECTOR). This connecting image reflects the complementarity of the straight line with the curve / opacity transparence, etc. and are examples of the universal discovery transition.

The present man-made world is slowly but surely conditioning us to being surrounded by audio-visual oppositions without connections, awakening negative behaviors. Theory: This spiritual starvation awakens the need to be at the center of attention to a level where hardly anyone is allowed to think. This behavior is quite inferior to the animals.

In the natural world, connectors are provided to facilitate the passage between the different elements (forms, color, and light), for example the grays are used as transition between the oppositions black and white. These connectors prevent the loss of inner energy that can be used for positive thinking. In nature, the ease of movement from one form to another is so subtle that we are unaware of it, unless we spend a great amount of time analyzing its hidden conception. The natural organic forms in movement are mainly a visual combination of nuances. The same applies to the static ones. These combinations of exceptional nuances are highly communicative or easy to recognize by the thought process. The information of this site aims to understand the IMPORTANCE to surround ourselves with recognizable or unified sensory information.

The human brain is a precious tool which must receive unified sensory information in order to remain positive.

This web site is VISUAL thesis of more than 100,000 hours of research. Let us hope that you can use it as a tool which can play an important role towards opening the door of the Aquarius era - the WEs - as predicted by Bach, Beethoven, Escher, La Tour, Tolstoy, etc.

Wishing you unified sensory information,   

Jean-Jacques Giguère © all rigths reserved
